Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Logging in Groovy shouldn't be this hard

Spent about 30 minutes this morning doing what should have been easy: logging from within my application.

Groovy includes/wraps Log4j so I thought it would be easy. All the documentation I found suggested it would be easy.

However all the examples left off one key thing: Defining the 'root' logger.

So, in your Config.groovy, find the log4j section and add/uncomment:

appenders {
console name:'stdout', layout:pattern(conversionPattern: '%c{2} %m%n')

Then add below the standard error and warn items:

root {
info 'console'

Now in your code you can add 'log.info 'blah blah' and it will appear on the console. The 'appenders' section is where you can add your rolling file loggers for production.

Here is what mine looks like:

// log4j configuration
log4j = {
// Example of changing the log pattern for the default console
// appender:
appenders {
console name:'stdout', layout:pattern(conversionPattern: '%c{2} %m%n')

error 'org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet', // controllers
'org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages', // GSP
'org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.sitemesh', // layouts
'org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mapping.filter', // URL mapping
'org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mapping', // URL mapping
'org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons', // core / classloading
'org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins', // plugins
'org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate', // hibernate integration

warn 'org.mortbay.log'

root {
info 'console'

Monday, June 14, 2010

Grails keeps rebuilding classes

I found an interesting problem today after replacing my laptop. My Grails 1.2.2 application that ran fine on Friday wasn't running today on 1.3.1 and the new machine.

I thought it was a 1.3.1 issue, but it wasn't. Turns out that if you have a file under src/groovy NOT grails-app AND the filename isn't the name of a class within the file, Grails will keep rebuilding the source file and clearing the Tomcat cache.

basically, I had a file 'GroupByCreator.groovy' which didn't have a class named "GroupByCreator" in it. For some reason IntelliJ doesn't complain and everything compiled correctly.

Instead at runtime I kept getting:

[groovyc] Compiling 1 source file to C:\Development\clouds\reportingui\target\classes

[groovyc] Compiling 2 source files to C:\Development\clouds\reportingui\target\classes

[delete] Deleting directory C:\Documents and Settings\ccurtin\.grails\1.3.1\projects\reportingui\tomcat

Running Grails application..
Server running. Browse to http://localhost:8080/reportingui

[groovyc] Compiling 1 source file to C:\Development\clouds\reportingui\target\classes

[groovyc] Compiling 2 source files to C:\Development\clouds\reportingui\target\classes

[delete] Deleting directory C:\Documents and Settings\ccurtin\.grails\1.3.1\projects\reportingui\tomcat

Running Grails application..
Server running. Browse to http://localhost:8080/reportingui

To figure this out, I went to the \reportingui\target\classes directory and sorted by last modified time. From that it was obvious which classes were being rebuilt, just not why. Finally after looking at the name of the file and the classes (for a few hours Doh!) I figured it out.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

GORM Criteria using child to parent relationship

I was surprised that I couldn’t find an example of this in any of the Grails and GORM docs or online examples.

I want to find the names and number of occurrences of the CHILD in a 1 to many association based on an attribute in the parent.

The domain classes are:

class Parent {
static hasMany = [children:Child]
String firstname

class Child {
static belongsTo = [parent:Parent]
String name


To find all the children and # of occurrences across ANY Parent where firstname is 'John':

def fName = 'John'
def children = Parent.withCriteria {
projections {
groupProperty 'name'
count 'id'
parent {
eq 'firstname', fName


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

March 2010 AWSome Meeting - Cloud Security

Last night’s AWSome Atlanta meeting was about Virtualization and Cloud Security topics. Taylor Banks presented about 50 slides on the different things to pay attention to, first in a virtualized environment, then in a Cloud. He correctly pointed out that all the issues with virtualization are also present in a Cloud environment, so make sure you get them right the first time.

Taylor was a good presenter, though I do wonder when he managed to get a breath in. He talked a lot, but he wasn’t rambling. He was noticeably excited and involved in the materials he was presenting.

Very early on he presented an new acronym that I think I’ll start using : K.I.S.S.M.Y.A.S.S

Keep It Simple, Stupid Make Your Architecture Simpler to Secure

Yes he mentioned it a few more times during the presentation.

He also said something very profound:
Cloud Security is often more of a process than technology
Yes securing the servers and services is important, but aren’t you already doing that in your self-hosted environments? So Cloud Security is about making decisions about what data you are sharing, how important the data is, what formats you are protecting it in and who can access it.

Taylor also took a few shots at the pundits around Cloud Security and did a pretty funny impression of a DBA. He had a comical routine about how giving two different DBAs identical SQL Server instances in a VM, but only telling one that it was a VM. You can guess what he was making fun of ;-)

The presentation is here.

Taylor’s twitter handle is @TaylorBanks.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

AWSome Atlanta February 2010

Last night’s AWSome Atlanta meeting was one of the best attended that I can remember. The main topic was the Chef configuration management tool for computer infrastructures. The crowd was a mix of the ‘usual suspects’ and quite a few new faces.

During the usual introduction from John Willis we learned there were a number of consultants, end users and a few academics in the crowd. Probably half indicated they were starting to learn about Cloud Computing.

Josh Timberman @jtimberman from Opscode presented about Chef, the concepts behind it and ways to use it in your environment. His presentation was good, but it took a few minutes to get a ‘big picture’ view of what he talked about. However once you understood the goal was to standup a new server (or upgrade an existing server) consistently the materials made a lot of sense.

One of the more interesting things I learned about Chef is they are in beta of a SaaS version where they (Opscode) will host the Chef server which can then be reached via a client within EC2, Rackspace etc. or within your own environment. This is interesting because it removes the need to have a server hosted someplace other than the IaaS provider for the Chef cookbooks and recipes. (Thus no need for IT resources.)

The 30 second overview of Chef: you create recipes and cookbooks for the applications and configurations you need to standup a server. So you can create an “apache 2, Tomcat 6, JDK 6.10 MySoftware 2.00” recipe that knows how to install and configure an exact copy of the environment you want. And do it repeatedly without any intervention or manual steps. (The full explanation took an hour, so there is a lot more to it though.)

Very useful when you are in the cloud and spinning up new instances, but also useful in an internal environment when you need to bring up a new server due to hardware failure (or faster boxes!) or when you want to quickly deploy a new version of software.

Consider building a new Chef recipe for the next release of your software. You create a new server, validate against QA then just change the configuration that defines the production locations/databases etc. No manual check lists, no forgetting about a new service or cron job.

After Josh’s presentation we had about an hour of open discussion. Lots of topics, including EC2, where the cloud is going to impact business, my views on the return of the ISV and a short religious discussion on Ruby ;-) (Sorry Keith)

I hope the new folks got enough out of the session to keep coming back.

Opscode can be found here.

AWSome Atlanta can be found here.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

In my last post I commented that sometimes “drinking the Kool Aid” is a bad thing. Here’s an example that bit me for a couple of hours this week.

Groovy and Grails have done a lot to ‘make things work’ by expanding many of the core Java classes to remove the need for all the ‘work’ needed to get something to work. For example, database connections ‘just work’ and you don’t need tons of exception handling code or thinking about how to release them.

Groovy also makes interacting with existing Java code trivial.

However, the combination of the two leads to some problems. Consider my case. I wanted to upload a comma separated value (CSV) file in Grails, split the file apart and build objects from it. Pretty straight forward right? Done it many times in Java with Struts or GWT.

Searching for examples also showed a number of ways to do it. I took the ‘approved’ version from the Grails site.

Searching for ‘groovy csv’ also showed a lot of examples, including the use of CSVReader, which I’ve used before.

Putting the two examples together was trivial and took a few minutes to test and everything went perfect. Until I tried to upload the same file a second time to test the ‘update’ logic. I received an exception, because the file was locked on the host I couldn’t replace the ‘working’ copy.

Turns out that CSVReader is a Java class with very specific lifecycle steps that hadn’t been ‘groovy-fied’ yet. So while Groovy handled all the exception framework, collection logic etc, it didn’t know to close the CSVReader at the end. I added the explicit close() on CSVReader object and things work now.

I was (am?) trying to learn the Groovy paradigm, not just the language so I’m deliberately not writing ‘java in Groovy’. So I didn’t look at exceptions or lifecycle events since for a lot of other ‘common’ thinks Groovy just works. I’ll pay a little more attention to lifecycle from now on.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

This is the first of hopefully several posts about my experiences and frustrations learning Groovy and Grails. I’ve been programming for over 20 years and have seen a lot of techniques, technologies and tools that claim to make a developer more productive. Many did make you more productive. Some did until you needed to modify the code a year later, or modify someone else’s code. So I’m pretty skeptical about all the claims from fan boys about any technology.

So with the hype around dynamic languages including Ruby and Groovy, I started looking into how useful they could be. For the record, when Bruce Tate talked about ruby at AJUG in August 2005 I was both skeptical and annoyed with what he was presenting. As a ‘fan boy’ he could see nothing wrong with Ruby or the impact it would have on a production system. In particular we got into a mini-debate about real costs of running a production server vs. benefits of Rails for faster development based on the runtime performance back then.

In November 2009, Pratik Patel did a Grails and Groovy presentation to AJUG, which was right after my NOSQL East presentation where I was asked why I don’t use Groovy instead of Java for my applications. Pratik’s presentation got me thinking more about Groovy and researching the differences and benefits from the Java world I’ve been working in for over 9 years now.

So, I’ve started my first Goovy/Grails project. I’ve been doing it part time for a couple of weeks and have some initial impressions.

  • GORM for ORM hides a lot of the data tier and is pretty straightforward, especially if you’ve ever fought with understanding Hibernate. Some of the bizarre things are still there, but for the most part it understandable
  • Auto creation of the UI and the scaffolding in Grails is impressive. After years of screwing up Struts and Tiles configurations and having no idea why, this is cool
  • Being able to call down to Java as needed. I have A LOT of helper code and business logic that I don’t want to rewrite
  • ‘duck typing’

  • GORM. It took me most of a week and a lot of trial and error to figure out how to return certain fields from a multiple table query in a reporting interface without dropping into HSQL. (Yes, I plan on writing a post about this soon)
  • Dynamic language support in tools. I use IntelliJ which is supposed to have the best Groovy/Grails support and it still sucks. I don’t want to wait until runtime to find out that I spelt a parameter name wrong. Or that a variable name is reserved word in Groovy (Category anyone?)
  • Real examples. The IBM series is pretty good, but I spent a lot of time banging my head on file uploads and GORM beyond the basics.
  • Are some of the ‘features’ really a step back? Naming parameters on method calls has been available since PL/1 (at least) and has always been a criticized as too verbose. It just 'feels' wrong to be using them

The biggest negative so far is drinking too much of the Kool Aid ;-) Grails/Groovy makes some things so simple that when you get outside what they’ve “groovy-fied” you need to think again like a Java programmer. I’ll give an example of this in my next post.

So far though I’m impressed with the language and the ease of doing things.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Video of my NoSQL East presentation

Here is the video from my NoSQL East presentation from last fall.

You can't hear the questions at the end so my answers sound strange ;-)